Epoxy Surfacing Primer to 2-component specialized epoxy primer, use for high filling. Dedicated to use as intercoat primer as part of filling systems above waterline and adapted to specific application process.
Code product | AWLGRIP D1030|D3050 |
Application Area | Above waterline |
Repairable | NO |
Pack size | Galon |
Standard colours | 1 |
Custom colours avaiable | No |
Produkt 545 Epoxy Primer to wielofunkcyjny, odporny na korozję podkład epoksydowy. Polecany do stosowania do gruntowania i podkładowania przed nałożeniem farb wykończeniowych. Może być nakładany zarówno nad, jak i pod linią wodną. Można go nakładać na szeroką gamę podłoży za pomocą natrysku lub pędzla i …
Introducing CF Wash Primer a revolutionary chromate-free etch CF Wash Primer designed to provide superior adhesion to stainless steel and anodized aluminum. This cutting-edge primer incorporates Controlled Fusion (CF) technology, offering extended recoat times and eliminating the laborious task of sanding before applying the next …
Experience the convenience of Max Cor CF 2K Aerosol The 2K aerosol counterpart of the renowned Max Cor CF epoxy primer. Specifically formulated for aluminum and steel surfaces, this two-component chromate-free primer excels in chemical and solvent resistance, surpassing standard spray coatings. Max Cor CF …
Epoxy primer 545 Experience the versatility and reliability of 545 Primer. Highly effective and corrosion-resistant solution that serves as a crucial step in achieving impeccable finishes. This multi-use epoxy primer excels in sealing undercoats and surfacing primers, guaranteeing a smooth and flawless surface. Recommended prior …