Epoxy Surfacing Primer to 2-component specialized epoxy primer, use for high filling. Dedicated to use as intercoat primer as part of filling systems above waterline and adapted to specific application process.
Code product | AWLGRIP D1030|D3050 |
Application Area | Above waterline |
Repairable | NO |
Pack size | Galon |
Standard colours | 1 |
Custom colours avaiable | No |
Produkt 545 Epoxy Primer to wielofunkcyjny, odporny na korozję podkład epoksydowy. Polecany do stosowania do gruntowania i podkładowania przed nałożeniem farb wykończeniowych. Może być nakładany zarówno nad, jak i pod linią wodną. Można go nakładać na szeroką gamę podłoży za pomocą natrysku lub pędzla i …
Introducing CF Wash Primer a revolutionary chromate-free etch CF Wash Primer designed to provide superior adhesion to stainless steel and anodized aluminum. This cutting-edge primer incorporates Controlled Fusion (CF) technology, offering extended recoat times and eliminating the laborious task of sanding before applying the next …
Discover the outstanding benefits of Hullguard Extra. A top-tier epoxy holding primer designed to establish a reliable and durable foundation for flawless fairing applications. This exceptional product guarantees exceptional adhesion to meticulously prepared surfaces made of fiberglass, steel, aluminum, and wood, making it suitable for …
Primer Quick Build Sealer is three – component polyurethane paint for priming new yachts above waterline. Designed for provide fast and easy application. Product available in six basic colours. It can be create for an order in one of 65 available colours. It can be …